SR Group Limited today announced that its application for the registration and listing of ESR China REIT (“ESR C-REIT”) <中航易商仓储物流基础设施REIT > has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) <中国证券监督管理委员会>.

ESR is the Sponsor of ESR C-REIT, AVIC Fund is a licensed REIT manager under the current C-REIT listing rules, and China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. is the financial advisor. As Sponsor and project manager, ESR will be able to provide ESR C-REIT with a future pipeline of assets for acquisition from its quality portfolio of assets under management (“AUM”) and development pipeline.

In China, ESR Group manages over 170 assets, with a total AUM of more than US$30.7 billion and gross floor area (“GFA”) of about 14.9 million sqm. Nearly 70% of ESR’s stabilised properties in China are located in major economic hubs in the Yangtze River Delta and Greater Bay Area where demand is driven by strong activity in renewable energy industries and cross-border e-commerce.

ESR C-REIT is expected to raise around RMB 2.438 billion. ESR will subscribe to 34% stake of the C-REIT IPO, and the remaining 66% will be subscribed by cornerstone investors, public institutions and retail investors. ESR C-REIT has so far secured cornerstone investors including leading financial institutions and securities firms. Starting from 2024, the annualised cash distribution rate is expected to be 4.5% and 4.62% for 2024 and 2025 respectively.

The ESR C-REIT comprises three currently self-owned logistics facilities with best-in-class specifications and design, strategically located in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China. Kunshan, which is around 45 minutes from Shanghai, is a major hub for China’s last mile logistics networks, backed by one of the largest consumer markets in China.

The three assets, collectively called “Jiangsu Friend Warehouses”, have a total GFA of over 426,000 sqm – Jiangsu Friend Phase I (over 135,000 sqm); Jiangsu Friend Phase II (over 85,000 sqm); and Jiangsu Friend Phase III (over 206,000 sqm). The assets have an average occupancy rate of over 90% in the last 5 years, tenanted by multi-national companies in sectors such as logistics, e-commerce, and fast-moving consumer goods.

ESR started to develop Jiangsu Friend Warehouses since 2011 and has been the pioneer to build it into state-of-art 4-story logistics warehouses with the strong conviction to provide the best logistics facilities to the tenants. Post the listing of ESR C-REIT, ESR’s subsidiary Shanghai Yizhishang Enterprise Management Services Co., Ltd. will continue to manage the three assets.

Jeffrey Shen, ESR Group Co-founder and Co-CEO said: “We are honoured that CSRC has approved the registration and listing of our first C-REIT. The ESR C-REIT adds to our stable of perpetual capital vehicles across the APAC region and completes the full range of investment products on offer to domestic institutional and retail investors in China, enabling access to the compelling fundamentals of the logistics real estate sector in China, which continues to benefit from positive tail winds, in a listed, liquid format.”

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